Sunday, April 28, 2013

At Least Two Essays

"To Helen" and "Helen" despite being of the same topic have outstanding differences from each other noticeable form even the titles. "To Helen" by Poe most noticeable difference from H.D.'s "Helen" is that the structure promotes a personal point of Helen, while H.D. writes  more of the actual story of Helen.
The syntax and diction from Poe's poem is more direct as if he were writing the poem for a person almost as if it were a letter. The style puts a personal feel, as if the poem were written to Helen rather than as a tribute to her life. H.D.'s poem. The structure of the first poem is different because it uses her name and is direct language to her.
The tone of the poem written by H.D. is solemn "All Greece hates the still eyes in the white face". The tone creates a feeling for Helen and her troubles in life. The poem by Poe has a livelier tone, the tone creates a feeling of personal meeting with the subject of the poem Helen. The livelier tone  helps to recreate Helen's sense of beauty and attractive personality.
The two poems share the same subject however the author's feel differently about that subject. Through their differences in tone syntax and diction the author's show their views of the subject. The form of the poem being written for the subject as opposed to being a tribute to the subject is the strongest point of difference.

1981 Poem "Storm Warnings" Adrienne Rich

The poem "Storm Warnings" by Adrienne Rich promotes the direct message that a storm is approaching along with the theme or metaphorical meaning. The metaphorical meaning is that no matter how much we learn about nature and we understand it, there are forces in nature that we cannot control. Nature is a wild business that despite our knowledge will continue to elude or control.
"Between foreseeing and averting change. Lies all the mastery of elements which clocks and weatherglasses cannot alter." This concrete detail shows the theme of being unable to control nature regardless of the vast amounts of knowledge obtained about the subject. The metaphorical meaning of the poem relates to the title as, no amount of knowledge will let you control the uncontrollable. With knowledge does come power, but not enough to control the entire world.
"What winds are walking overhead, what zone of grey unrest is moving across the land,
I leave the book upon a pillowed chair and walk from window to closed window, watching
boughs strain against the sky". The literal meaning of this poem? A storm is coming. The meaning couldn't be any more straightforward. A storm is coming and to stay safe people stay inside sheltered from what they cannot control. The literal meaning of the poem relates to the title by being just that "Storm Warnings". The sky changing colors the scientific instruments saying that a storm is coming. They are warning of the storm.
The literal meaning and the metaphorical meaning of the poem relate to the title by being a physical warning and a warning about attempting to gain power through knowledge. The poem promotes these meaning though the straightforward and concrete details that are listed throughout the  entire poem.

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