Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocab Sentences List #3

The student was given accolades for his outstanding citizenship and for the good deeds he had done for his city.

The old man had a tone of acerbity when he talked, and he was always unpleasant to be around because of it.

As time continued the cases of polio began to attrition because of advances in medicine.

For a well known comedian we were disappointed in his performance, in fact we found him to be a bromide and a bore.

Throughout his old age the war general continued to be a chauvinist insulting those who felt very little gratitude for their country.

The calendar  had a chronic pattern on it, repeating every Friday with a notation of " Yay its Friday!"

The doctor expounded how dangerous and serious the dieses that his patient had.

In order for the soldier to finally become a knight he must follow factionalism, and pledge allegiance to his king.

Being so maculate, the perfectionist was bored with life as he had little to work for.

After he hit his finger with the hammer the man began to imprecate.

Flying through the air perfectly the arrow was ineluctable hitting the soldier in the chest.

Through many years of being on the debate team he became mercurial and could respond with a valid point in mere seconds.

Tylenol only palliates headaches but does not truly cure them.

It was protocol to begin every day in class with roll call followed by the announcements.

The golden necklace was resplendent as it sat in its case on display in the museum.

Hester Prynne was stigmatized for having a child with a man she was not married to.

Suba rosa the man charged into battle with his sword drawn believing he would emerge victorious.

Being a hero and having saved many people drove the hero to vainglory and lost all that was bestowed to him.

The fossil was a direct vestige that dinosaurs once existed.

The nurse had to volition on whether or not to wait for the doctor to arrive or administer the snake antivenin herself to save the bitten patient.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections on Week 1

1. I feel that I have many positive factors that will affect my participation in class this year. My friends help to remind me of the homework and they are very helpful in providing assistance when I do not understand the assignments. I have easy access to a computer and a phone so these factors do not affect me, and my family is kind enough to help me as when when I need it.

2. I think my most beneficial learning experience was just my classes in general my sophomore year. Between Mr. Provost's Algebra 2 class, Dr. Preston's Honors English class, and Mr. Greeley's AP World History class I learned the processes in which I learn the best. These three classes were all taught very differently from one another accept for one very simple common factor. We took notes many days a week and discussed the topics as a class. We were often given practice for our assignments in class which we would then converse as a class about the answers and the correct way of accomplishing the task at hand. I learn best when we are given examples, then allowed to try for ourselves, followed by discussions of what worked and what is correct.

3. My greatest concern for this class is the amount of effort needed to achieve my goals in this class. From the first week I have already learned that this class will require much time out side of class to complete the work that we are given and that I will have to put forth a strong effort to accomplish what I want. This class will challenge me and push me to do my best in attempts to prepare me for college as it is a college course.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Poisonwood Bible

Pride and Prejudice

The Essays of Michel de Montaigne

Assignment #1

I'm looking forward to the new school year. I can honestly say that I am excited to be back in Dr. Preston's class as his class sophomore year was quiet enjoyable. My reasons for taking this course are to a chance to earn a higher GPA and earn college credits for the AP exam at the end of the year. I am excited to be in Dr. Preston's class because I believe the in depth discussions that we must take part in is very helpful to our learning. I felt this way during my sophomore year and I hope I continue to throughout the year.

My goals this year are short and simple. Pass the class with an A, and to pass the AP exam at the end of the year. I hope to pass this exam with at least a 4 or greater. To do this i expect to learn a vast amount of knew information from now till the date of the AP exam. There is much for us to learn this year and I wish us all luck on capitalizing on the opportunities that we are given to better expand our knowledge.